Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Muddy Point - New development:

After attending the lecture on campus, my muddy points have been addressed.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Web Site Assignment

My Web site assignment was created using notepad and html code. This site is not fancy but
I hope it fulfills all the assignment requirements.

Here is the URL:

Not: because this is a free host it has ads and pop-ups.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 9 Muddy point

This week I find myself pretty much back on familiar territory and do not have many questions that will not be answered by the time the assignment details are posted.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 9 Readings

Web authoring and XML

XML is a supercharged version of HTML that is intended to be more semantic and browser independent. While the scheme is a bit more demanding to learn, XML has more stablility and functionality. Martin Bryan does a good job of explaining what the Language is and what one can acomplish with it. I found the way he introducted DTD (document type defination) better than most of the resources I have encountered. While the tags may appear a bit different, they still serve the same function ad HTML in the same manner. One the major differences of XML is user defined tags (as in create your own) that is not really possible with HTLM.

A Survey of XML Standards,

The second document is a wealth of information on the XML "standards". I have bookmarked a number of these resources as reminders of information that comes in handy when using XML. Like most any language both HTML and XML are always evolving and W3C the commission with oversight of the language keeps their web site updated.

Extending Your Markup
The last document really has working examples of the XML code. Another way to see the code in action is to open a browser, select a web page and go to Page source under the View tab. By reading the active code and referencing unfamiliar elements with the tutorials and documentation it isn't very hard to learn new what functions the unfamiliar components represent.

Overall, these documents and tutorials will enable the beginner to at least get a "feel" for the structure of the language, and with a bit of an adventurous spirit one can experiment ones way into a comfort zone with the content. Just remember that to learn a language takes time and attention to the little details. As with HTML, if a tag is not closed with the punctuation there will be an error. Anyone can write code starting with a simple set of notepad tags. To be compliant, the code must conform to the scheme conventions.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 8 Comments to Other Blogs





Week # 8 Muddy Point

Not really a very Muddy Point, but the requirements for the "My Page" assignment are not posted. What elements will the web pages need to contain, and what site will we use to host our pages?

Week 8 Readings

The W3schools HTML tutorial is an excellent primer for the basic structure of Hyper Text formating. One can use Text pad to create the Web Page, but one must paste the source code into a web browser to create the web pages. I am looking forward to this week's assignment as creating Web pages was the most enjoyable class in my undergraduate course of study.
Once one gets familiar with the use of "tags" (think old fashioned word processor type writers) and learning how to use the "href" code to import links and images, it is possible for a person with little experience to build a rather complicated Web page.

CSS -Casscading Style pages allow authors to enforge a theme throughout the entire set of Site pages. This is helpful when one wishes to use links to navagate from one page to another, display a logo on all pages in the same location, provide a consistant set of font, color and other elements from page to page.

The Cheat Sheet is a handy visual reference tool, but I would suggest to anyone who falls in love with greating Web pages to get a copy of Patrick Carey's HTML and XHTML. This book will take you by the hand and lead you through the steps of Web creation with concrete examples.

Koha Assignment Completed

URL to Virtual Book Shelf:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 7 Muddy Points

One much install Apache server and MySQL before installing Koha, but Apache
for Windows has firewall and security application issues that do not allow it to function.
The developers are looking into creating a bundled or integrated package installion but better instructions are needed to trouble shoot the background apps before one can move on to the installion of Koha. Is there a workaround to the firewall and security issues that a lay-person would understand?

Week # 7 Readings

How Internet Infra-structure Works:

Just like this week's Koha assignment, there are background applications that must be up and functioning before the main application will work correctly. On the hardward side, a router or modem or both (for home networking) must be present and correctly connected. On the software side, an Internet Service Provider has to appoint a TCP/IP and port address which is the electronic equiventent of ones house address for the internet. While humans are comfortable with the use of URLs to get to the sites of interest, the machine uses numberic sequence unique to each PC to manage server load and direct internet traffic.
The naming convention allows the sites from different organizations to be recognized. The dot-comes are "Communications", while the ORG's are "Organizations" and Edu's or GOV's are "Education" such as universities, while "Government" covers State, local and Federal agencies.
Domain Name Servers function like toll bridges for the Internet, once you get access the road is open. Browsers are the cars one drives over the electronic roads. URL's function as street addresses and let you find what you are looking for.

Ted-Talks: Larry and Sergey (the Video):

These are two men who want to see just how many uses and how far Google can expand in terms of goods and services via the Internet like Google Grants and Google Foundation which will be a contributor to other charities . The very first image illustrated just how many countries are making use of Google and at what times. Australia and African are under represented markets. The single second view of transmission appeared like something from the movie "The Matrix" or old fashion "snow" on an analogue TV screen. The content, he pointed out varied widely from health and career to online games. Google's goal is to increase the amount of searches conducted on Google engines. One thing I notice about Google is that they are willing to invest time and resources in small projects - I'd call them risk-takers- but innovations are resulting from this approach.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems:

Can you say "In-ter-operability"? Well old ILS systems and newer ones can't. According to this article, not only do incompatibilities arise between one vender's product and another, but also between modules by the same vender. What Library staff want most is to be able to keep applications that work, discard those that malfunction more often than not, and have the ability to build onto exsisting (and sometimes older but more stable) applications.
In the section titled "Starting over" the article states that Sirsi Corporation discontinured the DRA ILS (which I think is miles better than Unicorn Workflows for reservations and item maintence) in 2001. True, DRA didn't have the full support to run on Windows, but in my opinion developers would have achieved a better product for building that support. According to the article the rewrite attempt failed, but I wonder if modifications to needed modules would have succedded.
Discussions about home-grown solutions to ILS problems are not meeting with great success either. The cost of Programmers and the complexities of the programs make the purchase of a new automated system more economical. What is therefore required is access to working demos of prospective products that are not so expensive as leave only the poorer engineered versions as options.