Don't understand the logic of requiring that week two assignment be placed before week one. Also, due having taken online courses in an totally different environment, getting accustomed to Black board is a small challenge. Please correct me but the down loads of software are not a major issue?
Week One Observations of the Readings:
- If books, CD's, ipods and DVD's are all just containers what will containers of the future become? What about the issues of copyright (will the content have the protection of the law or will the container ?). OCLC report: Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers (2004)
- Working in a public library as I do provides a clear view of the differences between those who have a working knowledge of computers and the Internet vs. those who cling to analog methods and thinking. The time factor in searching for information (be it for pleasure or to fill a practical need) is accelerated for frequent computer uses. I would display that difference as the difference between the efforts of someone who is struggling just to learn how to read and someone who is capable of speed-reading both addressing a hundred words of text.
Elizabeth Ferer-
Michelle Crouch-
Eileen Akin -
Suzanna Woods -